Saturday, April 25, 2009


God I come to you out of shear desperation.  I am a sinner in need of forgiveness.  I fall short of the man that I want to be everyday.  My spirit is willing but my flesh is weak.  I pray that you will forgive me for the sins that I have committed against you. Every time I sin against you it is like I am nailing a nail in Jesus’ hand.  I pray that I can submit to your laws everyday, instead of choosing to submit to the flesh.  Convict me when I am wrong, and show me the way I need to go.  I pray that you will constantly remind me that Satan hates me, he only wants me to fail, and he is the father of lies.  I pray that I can see the world through your eyes Lord, and that I will act the way that you call me to.  The world that we live in is dark, and Satan is always looking to pull your children towards him, but I know that your power is stronger than his.  You crushed sin when Jesus rose from the dead.  God I want to completely turn from evil in every way.  I pray that you will continue to pour your love into my life.  Give me the strength to live according to your word, so that I can be a living testimony of it to others.  I ask all of these things in the name of Jesus.  Amen.