Friday, August 20, 2010

Prayer Room Testimony...

This is a testimony of the POWER of God's presence...This is why we constantly declare an atmosphere of freedom over AHOP...Just step into His presence and He will do the rest...It's really that simple...

"I went to the prayer room the other night. I've never known what it's like to like crawl up in your Daddy's recliner and be held, but I'm pretty sure that it felt something like that x1,000,000,000. I laid down in the floor and within 30 seconds, I was in tears! I've had so much going on lately, and I've felt so torn about so many decisions about the church, my discipleship group and serving. It was so different to be away from everything, and be so relaxed and focused. So thank you so much for all the work everyone put into it and for allowing people to use it anytime. Best idea ever!"

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