Monday, January 5, 2009

The L.O.T. Project

It all started as a "crazy idea" that I thought that I was just making up in my head, but now it is becoming a reality.  It seems that more and more God continues to show me that His hand was and is on this "crazy idea."  I just started looking at what and who was around me in my everyday life.  In a typical day we encounter many different types of people.  Some may be believers and others may not be.  Some may be criminals and others may be saints.  Any way you look at it, you are going to encounter those that don't know that Jesus loves them and wants to have a relationship with them.  What do we do about that?  Well, as the great theologian Alan Jackson says in one of his songs, "Faith, hope, and love are some good things He gave us, but the greatest is love.  LOVE.  That is the answer.  We have to love these people right where they are.  This is in no way going to be easy, but it is a must.  Personally, I believe that we will be held accountable for the people that we encounter in life.  When I see that someone doesn't know Jesus, I want to do something about that.  God has given all of us the gift of the Holy Spirit, and through that gift we can do something about it.   Some friends and I have started taking kids to youth on Wednesday and church on Sunday.  Some of their parents even come on Sunday.  I have seen five boys accept Christ in  a little over a month.  God is absolutely blowing my mind with this.  I have also been doing a lot of work with the homeless.  God has been breaking my heart for people that don't know Him, so I have to do something about it.  What if more kids show up?  What if I encounter 100 homeless people? (Easy to find in Greenville)  How can I help these people?  I really feel that God is leading me to start a non-profit ministry that reaches out to the people He loves.  Jesus said in Matthew 25:40, "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."  I want to be able to do something for these people and I know that God wants that too.  The ministry is called The L.O.T. Project.  It is an acronym meaning the least of these.  Also in the old testament, Abraham pleaded to God to spare Lot's life, and I am pleading to God to spare the lives of those who don't know Him YET.  Give me one more month, one more week, one more hour to show these people the love of Christ, that is my prayer.  I have been praying over this for months, I have been serving with all I have, and I have been asking others for advice.  The L.O.T. Project is becoming a reality and God is blowing my mind and lives are being changed.  Feel free to donate to this cause, and know that your contributions are greatly appreciated.  You can donate money, your time, resources, advice, but most importantly your prayers.  Thank you for your support...

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